Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness
Proud mom of a son with autism!


About Me

Burlington, NC, United States
All I can say about me is that I am a survivor of domestic violence. The only good thing that came out of my first marriage is that I have three wonderful sons and that I am now a much stronger person, I have grown into a better person. I am now married to a great man who has adopted my sons, and loves them as his own, as they are his now..he even says that the two younger ones look like life is good. I have a son with autism so that has become a goal in my life, to help raise awareness and find a cure. I also have a son that is Bi-polar, and well all I can say is that autism is easy to deal with compared to Bi-polar disorder, well that is a little blurb about me.

Listen to music as you read!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Here is my brain, what is yours????

Your Brain is 67% Female, 33% Male

Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas is over.....

Christmas is over and I am busy taking down all of the decorations and plus unpacking from the trip to Ohio....So once I get things back in order a little..I will post pics and blog more....Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Out of town for the holidays....

We are leaving for Ohio tomorrow around noon, so I just wanted to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! And for everyone to have a safe and happy one as well.

As for today, it has been a busy one. My middle son keeps having nose bleeds so we had to go to the ENT and have is blood vessels in his nose cauterized. (not sure if I spelled the right or not). He handled it like a little trooper, he did great!!! I was so proud of him. And also in the mist of all that drama I had to go and register for classes...I finally get to start nursing classes again, the school had several people quit and flunk out so that left room for me....Finally.....

Peace, love and many blessings to all....

Till next time and when we get back from Ohio.....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Okay, well I am going to talk about something I really don't talk about much, but since I did something on Sunday that I have not done since grade school, I thought why not, it got me to think. I went to church with my neighbor, she had been taking my youngest son with her for a few months now because her son and my son mine are best friends. So she talked me into going and taking all my kids with her. I was a little uncomfortable at first because I don't really believe in a one religion being right or wrong...they all in my opinion have there good and bad points. I was raised as a baptist, but when I was in sixth grade I was saved and was going to be baptized, but my cousin that was the preacher..killed himself a week before I was supposed to be baptized....So I and my family quit going to church...I never really stop believing but for years and years I really did not know what to believe...and really still don't.

I have been to many many churches of different religions, hoping to find my place...but it has never really happened for me. I somehow feel like all of the religion belittle women...and always place man above women...I have a problem with that...and I guess I always will. I know that there is a higher power but that is all I believe, I try to live by the saying to unto to others and you wish done unto you....and I just keep it that way. As for the church we went was a baptist church....but my kids love it and want to go back...all of them even my teenager....that was a shocker for me....As for me I will go because they want to go. But as soon as I find out that they are teaching my kids to fear GOD or the higher power they will not go back...I don't feel that he/she should be feared....why fear someone that is supposed to love us????

I was very disappointed in all churches when me and my now husband was looking for someone to marry us....we searched for several months to find someone...we wanted a church wedding..and we were told no, so many times. They said that since we were both divorced and that I had kids they would not marry us and we were sinners.....I really lost faith then and so did he....that is and was crazy.....his wife cheated on him and mine tried to kill me several times..but the preachers said that they did not care why were was a sin to remarry....just imagine how that would make you feel. We finally found a church that would marry us, was a "United church of Christ"....I found them by the commercial they had shown on TV. It was them taking anyone into the church, not turning people away just because of sexual orientation or race...etc....It was a touching commercial. We meet with the preacher and he welcomed us with open arms into the church and gave a us the perfect wedding that we I retained some faith at that point....So I guess what I am blogging about is that I believe, but haven't found my place to fit in yet. If that makes sense....Sorry to ramble but this is something that I needed to talk about....Still looking for my faith.



Saturday, December 15, 2007

Breakfast with Santa...

We had breakfast with Santa this morning..and the kids loved it, at least the 2 little ones did, the oldest stood outside because he did not want to be embarrassed....Here are the pics....I also have included a pic of the 2 dogs beside each other, as you can tell I had to hold one of the still for the pic....

Friday, December 14, 2007

10 reasons

Well, my friend Sherry wanted me to list 10 reasons why I like being married, basically to look at the positive instead of the negative. Since the negative has really had control lately...I am gonna try to see if I can list 10 reasons....Here is goes....

1) Having someone there to go check out the strange noises in the night..that way I don't have to.

2) Having someone there that is tall to reach things high up in the cabinets, without me climbing up on a ladder.

3) Now I can say to the kids.."wait till your dad gets home".

4) Having someone to snuggle up to on a cold winter nights.

5) Having him but me quirky little gifts, like the socks with toes in them...because he knows I have cold feet.

6) Knowing that I am loved, because I can see it in his eyes, when he looks at me.

7) Knowing that I am not alone, and don't have to grow old alone. (Hopefully)

8) Hearing the words "I love you" on a daily basis, other than my kids saying it to me.

9) Being asked "how was my day" and having someone actually listen.

10) Hearing my kids say "I love you mommy and daddy".

Ok, I have to admit that was kinda hard to do, because I kept wanting to write and think about the negative....because we do have do all couples from time to time...but since this move things are worse...I am trying but sometimes I still feel like giving up...I am tired, my first marriage really wore me down....even though it was over a long time ago...those memories and nightmares are still in my mind...the distrust and fear....The "what ifs" am afraid has was a better day than the other day...some are good and some are bad....I just want more good ones....but at least I can think of some good reasons...I do love him.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Dog!!!

Okay, my husband is crazy!!!! He went out and got another dog.....what is he she is.....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Our snow ball fight

Non-Crappy Starring You! eCards on JibJab

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bad Dog part 2,.....

OK, here we go again. I had to take my 10 year old to the doctor today. I am in the office getting ready to check and I get a call from my oldest son who tells me that the dog tore up the tree agin, he found him trying to climb the tree...and needless to say when I got home the tree and house was a mess...the dog had a field day with the tree and now what...I feel like just taking it down and messing with it anymore.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......Santa is not happy with the dog......

Thursday, December 6, 2007

What my Christmas is like....

Your Christmas is Most Like: A Christmas Story

Loving, fun, and totally crazy.
Don't shoot your eye out!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007






Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"o" Christmas Tree Again........

This dog may look cute but ...he doesn't like Chrtistmas BEWARE!!!!!!!!
Okay, I had redo the Christmas tree today.....because my dog tore the tree up and ate half the ornaments...."BAD DOG" are going to try this again and hopefully he won't tear this one down...any ideas on this not happening again????????

Monday, December 3, 2007


The doctors have said that she had a mini stroke due to High Blood Pressure, her seizures they say are being caused by the baby.(Her BP is fluctuating a lot) She is doing much better now..and they will be inducing her labor as soon as a L&D room becomes available. They are saying she should deliver (hopefully) in the next 12 hours. Keep your fingers crossed....I will let everyone know when the baby is here....

Music Videos - Dear Mr President

Maybe the "President" needs to hear and see this so he will know how the real American public feels about him...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

"O" Christmas Tree!!!

Well, we finally put the tree up...the kids did most of the decorating.
I have not anything from Sherry soon as I hear something I will let everyone know...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Lastest update...

They have moved Allee off of the cardiac unit and to the OB is planned to deliver the baby least that is what the latest news is....Allee is doing better, but is in a lot of pain...every time she stands up she still passes out....when I hear more I will let everyone know...