Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness
Proud mom of a son with autism!


About Me

Burlington, NC, United States
All I can say about me is that I am a survivor of domestic violence. The only good thing that came out of my first marriage is that I have three wonderful sons and that I am now a much stronger person, I have grown into a better person. I am now married to a great man who has adopted my sons, and loves them as his own, as they are his now..he even says that the two younger ones look like life is good. I have a son with autism so that has become a goal in my life, to help raise awareness and find a cure. I also have a son that is Bi-polar, and well all I can say is that autism is easy to deal with compared to Bi-polar disorder, well that is a little blurb about me.

Listen to music as you read!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Okay, Monday REALLY REALLY sucked....I was on my way to work, (at my new job that I have only been at for 2 weeks)..My car was hit by a tractor trailer and spun across 4 lanes of traffic on I-77 in Charlotte NC.........How I survived with only minor injuries I am not sure...I walked myself to the car is totaled....and the trucking company is not wanting to pay for any damages....I am happy and lucky to be alive, but I still have to feel that why me...things have been so bad lately for our family...and then this happens...I do truly feel that I had angels watching over me that day....I am having nightmares about the wreck and I can not sleep....any advice????

And I will post pictures of my car in the next few days...


the princess said...

oh sweetie! that's nuts girl. i am so glad you are ok. had to be a big truck, you know? dammit!!!

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

i'm so glad you are alive!!!
i don't know how you suvived that, you really do have angels watching over you!
sleep? what's that?

Aprilyn said...

Woah. I'm so glad you weren't hurt. Scary!!!
I agree with Jen. What is sleep?