Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness
Proud mom of a son with autism!


About Me

Burlington, NC, United States
All I can say about me is that I am a survivor of domestic violence. The only good thing that came out of my first marriage is that I have three wonderful sons and that I am now a much stronger person, I have grown into a better person. I am now married to a great man who has adopted my sons, and loves them as his own, as they are his now..he even says that the two younger ones look like life is good. I have a son with autism so that has become a goal in my life, to help raise awareness and find a cure. I also have a son that is Bi-polar, and well all I can say is that autism is easy to deal with compared to Bi-polar disorder, well that is a little blurb about me.

Listen to music as you read!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I have been tagged!!!!

My friend Aprilyn tagged me. I went to high school in a horrible state with the initials of WV...YUCK....

1. Did you date someone from your school?
No, my boy boyfriends were from surrounding schools.

2.What kind of car did you drive? 1988 Chevy Spectrum

3.Were you a party animal? YES

4.Were you considered a flirt? YES

5. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? None...Drama club

6. Were you a nerd? NO

7. Were you on any varsity teams? NO

8. Did you get suspended/expelled? Not in high school, junior high yes...

9. Can you still sing the fight song? No

10. Who were your favorite teachers? None really

11. Where did you sit during lunch? I was the type that did not eat lunch....

12. What was your school's full name? I am not saying..I hated that place and still do...

13. School mascot? Huskie

14. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Hello NO!

15. What do you remember most about graduation? Being done with that horrible place.

16. Where did you go senior skip day? I don't remember, hanging with friends..

17. Were you in any clubs? Drama and Co-op

18. Have you gained some weight since then? Unfortunately, yes.

19. Who was your prom date? I didn't get invited.

20. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? I am not aware that they had one..and it is long past.

I tag everyone who wants to do this. Let me know in my comments section if you're going to do it so I can read about it! :)

1 comment:

Aprilyn said...

Hooray for High School being over. Let's not go back.