Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness
Proud mom of a son with autism!


About Me

Burlington, NC, United States
All I can say about me is that I am a survivor of domestic violence. The only good thing that came out of my first marriage is that I have three wonderful sons and that I am now a much stronger person, I have grown into a better person. I am now married to a great man who has adopted my sons, and loves them as his own, as they are his now..he even says that the two younger ones look like life is good. I have a son with autism so that has become a goal in my life, to help raise awareness and find a cure. I also have a son that is Bi-polar, and well all I can say is that autism is easy to deal with compared to Bi-polar disorder, well that is a little blurb about me.

Listen to music as you read!!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Allee update..

Okay, here is the latest update that I have. She still has not had the baby and every time she sits up stands up she passes she is still in the cardiac unit for monitoring...Sherry is frustrated and so is Allee...They are now to the point of not telling Sherry anything, other than they want to monitor her more and are saying lets just wait and see.....I am sorry that I don't have more to tell everyone..but at least things have not gotten any worse....When I hear more I will let everyone know....

(I still miss Ohio and my buckeyes and all my friends in Ohio).....Ohio_State_Buckeyes

I found this on myspace...and it got me into the Christmas mood....hopefully it will for everyone else too!!!!!

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Update....about Allee

I just spoke to Sherry...and they doctors have told her that Allee had a stroke and that they want to do more testing..but she is confused that the testing they are wanting to do is for her kidneys...they are saying that the baby is keeping Allee Sherry is beside herself...I have run out of words to say to her...just keep all of them in your prayers...they are saying that the baby is healthy and their focus is on Allee. When I here from Sherry again..I will let everyone know.....

Another accident!!!!!

Okay, I have enclosed pictures of my accident and pictures of the accident that my husband was in today......2 accident and 2 cars wreck in one week.....The mirror on the gray van, is YES taped is embarrassing...but my husband said it is better than the electrical wires hanging out.....

One of his classmates hit the red car in the schools parking lot.......But at least I can call him "crash" now too.....And I have told my CUT THE TREE DOWN ....before it tears up another innocent car, truck, or van..

The only thing I have heard from Sherry is that the doctors are running tests on Allee, and are trying to stabilize her heart so they can do a c-section. When I hear more I will post it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Could everyone say a prayer for "mystieye(Sherry)" and her daughter..her daughter is in the hospital and is pregnant...she is overdue and the doctors say the baby is healthy, but as for "Allee" she is not doing very well, they have discovered that her heart valves are not working correctly and that her BP is really high....the doctors are saying it is to dangerous to take the baby at this time...They need everyone thoughts, blessings and prayers now....We have a 16 yr old in danger as well as a little unborn my best friends heart and life as a mom and grandmother.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just call me "crash"

Well, I went to see my aunt today, and the visit was is when we left her house that I became known as "crash". I was backing out of her driveway, which by the way is up hill...and I am backing up a minivan..going up keep in mind that I have never been that good at backing up on level as I was backing....I hit a tree...and tore the mirror completely off of my now my kids, my aunt & uncle, and of husband...all call me "crash".....My aunt said that I am the 5th or 6th person to hit that I told her that it is time to cut the tree down......what do you think????

Saturday, November 24, 2007

What a week...

This is a cute dog and that came up and gave TJ a cute!!

TJ was so happy, to hug the dog....
My oldest is somewhere is this group...Mooresville High School...NJROTC!!!!
Santa..need I say more.
My hubby.....
Travis asking when is this thing starting....

This has been a truly upsetting husbands uncle dies and then the news about my aunt and cousin...I am truly speechless. But on the up side our Thanksgiving was okay, we decided to stay home and have Thanksgiving dinner, instead of going to my aunts house. Me and my husband decided to stay at home and reflect on our lives as a family. It was nice, and peaceful. Food and football and kids it was great. On Tuesday before Thanksgiving we were gone from 2pm until 9pm, because of the town parade....The reason we were gone so long is that my oldest was in the parade, the whole town and county pretty much shut down for the day, because of this parade...I have never seen a town parade last 1 hour and 45 But is was nice, I attached pictures..i wanted to make a slide show but I have over 200 pictures from start to finish of just the parade..but I haven't done it yet. I want to thank everyone who left me such caring comments...Thanks again...I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More bad news :(

More news today, My aunt (my birth moms sister) was just diagnosed with cancer. I did not know what to say to her..I was speechless. I have realized that the past couple of weeks have been bad and not just for me but for a lot of people. the bad things that have been happening to me (personally) is not as bad as some of the stuff that is happening to my family members...And on the 24th of this month is when my grandfather died (1996)..(I called him Dad, because he and my grandmother raised me until I was 13). So this is already a sad holiday and now all I have heard all day to day is bad news....It is hard to be happy when there is so much sorrow to deal with. I am thankful this thanksgiving..but I still feel sad and worried. Sorry to be a downer but I just needed to vent some of my feelings...

Peace and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Need prayers for my cousin

Hello All,

I just received a call from my aunt and my cousin who has LUPUS is in bad shape. He has been rushed to the ICU and is on a ventilator. This is a sudden change in his if everyone can please say a prayer for my cousin, I would greatly appreciate it....He has been through so much already, he is only 2 years older than me. He has had a failed kidney transplant and is back on the donor list for the 2nd time....and now this. He was found unresponsive in bed and was rushed to the ER, where he had a seizure. And from that point on went even farther down hill. The doctors are unsure what happened to make him this way, because on Monday he was fine and tolerated his dialysis as normal. Please send "David" all your prayers and blessings...he needs them. And here is the kicker he has a 3 year old son and another child on the way at the first of the year. Sorry to ask this but he is my cousin and he is deeply loved.

Thanks Everyone

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My kids......

This is my baby, he is 8 years old...and spoiled of course.
This is my oldest, he is 14 and thinks he is 30.

This is my middle child, he is 10 and such a sweet and loving child.

Okay..I've been tagged again

Okay, I've been tagged again...So here is goes.....

1. My favorite music is 80's music..
2. I love to cook holiday meals, but not everyday meals...they are just boring...
3. My favorite holiday is Christmas
4. I believe in Santa Claus......
5. I believe in love at first sight and falling in love on the first kiss
6. I like to fish and go camping
7. I believe that we all have a purpose, but I just haven't found mine yet....or maybe it hasn't found me yet.....

Okay, everyone is tagged.....

I've been Tagged

Okay, so here it goes...7 random things about me...

1. I love Nascar
2. I love the ocean
3. I am scared of thunder storms
4. I am scared of the dark, and yes I use a night light
5. I love to take pictures of everything...mother nature and the earth is an amazing place
6. I miss Ohio and would love to go back...and that is even a shock to me..but I really do miss Ohio
7. I have been searching for my birth-father for several and have been unable to locate him..I just want to see what he looks like, and yes maybe even hear his side of the story.....

okay, now I have to tag others.....

have fun

It is a Bi-Polar day....

My oldest starts this morning off in a bad way. He is Bi-polar and well he is being very bi-polar already, he is mean and aggressive and already yelling. It is only 9:25am and I have already been called and idiot, stupid and a few other names I will not type. He has already called his brothers retarded and idiots as well. He has thrown himself against a wall and tore up his room. This is child is my son, but sometimes I feel like I wish he wasn't....I love him and can't stand him all at the same time, I feel bad about felling this way, but it is not fair. How did I end up with a bi-polar child???What have I done to deserve this kind of punishment?? I have always asked myself these questions every since he was diagnosed and well even before the diagnosis. He has finally calmed down for the moment , but who knows for how long. Sorry to ramble but this seems to help me deal, to write things out instead of crying.. He scares me and he scares his brothers. My son with autism doesn't understand...well hell I don't understand either.

All I want is happy kids and a happy family. But my oldest is never happy, except when he is in a manic state..which doesn't happen very often. He is mainly depressed and mad all the time. the doctors don't have any answers, only therapy and medications...well we have been doing this and guess what, he is still bi-polar and still has his days that is really bad... I guess today is one of those days...Lord help us all, it is going to be a LONG day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Todays Test

Well, today I took the NC test for my CNA...I believe it or not I flunked...I pasted every part of the exam....but was told that I did the BP to quickly, even though I got the correct reading...."What the F***" . I really wanted to slap that lady....there was 18 of us taking the exam and only 3 past what does that tell you about the testing here....out of the 18 of us....5 of us are from other states and are already CNA's....and we all failed.....Sorry about venting...but it is either vent or scream.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Decision

After a few sleepless nights and lots and lots of thinking...I still have not come to a conclusion...other I know what I want..but I am willing to spend another two years to get it... that is the question....And I still don't have an answer...I think I know what I will decide...but I am not sure...sorry if I am rambling..but sometimes I have to...just to clear my head....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I was finally accepted into nursing school, with 50% of my credits transferring. I guess that is better than nothing....Now I have to decide if I really want to repeat a bunch of crap that I have already go back to school for another 4 semesters....YUK!!!! So now I have to make a I go or not......I have always wanted to be a nurse, ever since I was a small child...but now it is time to figure out if I want to go through all the crap of taken crap over and going to school twice as long as I should...(all because my husband moved us to NC) what to I find another dream or try to finish this one......


Well, This world of blogging is different. I started this blog to vent, meet new people "friends" and to say I want without pissing someone off. And if I do then, sorry..but I feel this is better than saying it to someones face, well at times anyway...and as far as other peoples blogs...if they ask for a comment then, what ever is said should be taken with a grain of salt. Remember everyone has my grandmother always said " opinions are like ass-holes every one has one"....I might not agree with what some people have to say, and that is fine, but if you ask for my opinion, don't get mad if I say how I feel. That is how "I" feel , you don't have to feel that way. And the particular blog I that got all this started is the one that was talking about being a good "christian' wife...(I will not say her name...but she is crazy).....this "lady" said that women needs to be slaves to their husbands and wait on them and hand and foot....ya right....she needs to get a in the real world..or just go back to the stone ages......And that is my opinion.....

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Don't know what to call this one.....

Today and the past week has been an up and down roller coaster of emotions, I have happy, sad, mad and really pissed off several times....I am tired because of all the crap. I am now working full time with a BIG retail chain, but I did not ask for full time, I did not want full time, I don't have time for a full time job. If that makes sense. My husband loves his classes he is taking, and he likes his job, the kids love there schools and have made friends. I should be happy, but I am not. Not completely. I am going to talk with my employer tomorrow about cutting my hours. Hopefully I will still have a job. But on the up side I am meeting with the dean of admissions at a nearby college to see if they will take my credits from OU. This has been the ONLY college in this freakin' state to consider transferring my credits from OU. I loved NC growing up, I spent a lot of time here as a child, but now I am not sure I like this place, it is like the whole state has it in for me. For example, I have been a CNA since 1995, and this state is making me retest, because they will not accept my certification from the state I moved from. I think that is crazy. I guess that is how my life goes, sorry I had to make this a long one but I have to vent.